Tuesday, January 7, 2014

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In Bali I went to a Yoga Center not to pratice yoga but to learn meditation in 15 minutes. The balinese people look like if they have a zen aura. It s easy to be hypnotised with the inner-self marketing found in the yoga/massage centres and health tiket pesawat online stores at almost every street.
I Nyoman Sweca was my 15 minutes meditation teacher. I m writing this post because I found my Balinese-Memories-Travel-Box, and I found his lovely professional card and my travel-diary. He was very kind and nice, but our English was so bad that we hardly understood each other, but I get the most important: focus on the light candle without blinking, close your eyes, look inside and breathe.
Years later, I did a Vipassana 10 days course. Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India s most ancient techniques of meditation. Know more at: http://www.dhamma.org/en It was one of a hell experience. During 10 days we wake up at 04 AM, we don t speak, we don t look each other eyes, or at least we must try to avoid eyes contact, our belongings remain in the main entrance during all course no phones, no books, no diaries, nothing. 11 hours of meditation every single day. Before going I was a little anxious concerning food matters (I love to eat). There are 3 meals: breakfast (7 AM), lunch (can t remember the time) and snack. There is no reason for worries. The meals are great. (at least at the meditation center I was Monte Mariposa centre, Tavira, Portugal) I highly recommend it!
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