Friday, May 29, 2015

Fuji vesnoy.Kogda the great ancestor came to Mount Tsukuba, and asked her for shelter, the divine S

Mount Fuji (富士山). Japan |
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At present the volcano is considered to be weakly active, the last eruption was in the year 1707-1708. Gore has an almost perfect conical shape and is considered sacred, is the subject of tourism and religious pilgrimage of Buddhist and Shinto cults. Fuji over the centuries is a popular theme in Japanese art.
The size of the cone proper mkios of the crater of Mount Fuji - 505 m in diameter and 200 m deep. It resembles a lotus flower, and is bordered by eight ridges, known as Yaksudo-Fuyo ("eight petals Fuji").
Once in the virgin forests on the shores of the lakes located around the mountain villages mkios of the Ainu, the indigenous inhabitants of the Japanese islands. Drive them aliens from south inherited the cult worship and the name of the mountain. mkios According to one theory, the origin of the name Fuji is due to the Ainu word "fire", which is not surprising for the name of an active volcano.
Another statement was that the basis for this (do not run out +) meaning "inexhaustible." mkios Japanese scientists of the Edo period, Hirata Atsutane, suggested that the name comes from the word meaning "a mountain standing gracefully as rice spikelets (ho)."
According to legend, Fuji arose overnight in 285 BC. e. and, being the highest peak, has taken a leading role in the cult of the mountains, which originated in the Japanese islands in ancient times. However, not everything went smoothly at first evolved for Mountain-beauty. In the book of NA lofan "Culture of ancient Japan" is an excerpt from "Hitachi Fudoki" ("Description of land Hitachi") early. VIII century .: "During his travels Mioya-Gami-Mikoto arrived at sunset on Mount Fuji and began to ask about accommodation. Spirit of Fuji refused him: for the night had a celebration Niiname (autumn Thanksgiving), and because it was too busy deity. And then the great ancestor cursed Spirit Fuji and announced that from now on, because he refused to shelter her ancestor, Mount Fuji forever mkios will be covered with snow, so that nobody could climb on it and serve as the Spirit mkios Mountain.
Fuji vesnoy.Kogda the great ancestor came to Mount Tsukuba, and asked her for shelter, the divine Spirit Mountain gladly accepted it and a festive mkios night Niiname entertain guests gifts of the new harvest. In gratitude Mioya-Gami-Mikoto blessed Tsukuba, promising deity of Mount joy and prosperity of the church, until there heaven and earth ... "
In this legend hear distant echoes of the struggle that took place at the turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages between tribal leaders - priests of the cult of the mountains (the cult dotaku) mkios and the tribes of the invaders from the North Kyushu. Curse that burden the Fuji, which tells the legend is probably the later rethinking taboos are also associated with the cult of the mountains.
In good weather, Fuji observed with large parts of the central part of Honshu Island (13 prefectures), but the most beautiful views considered by the ocean: here lay the famous Tokaido - road linking Kyoto and Tokyo. Fuji is not only a sample of the natural mkios harmony and a symbol of Japan, it is - the visible embodiment unbreakable bond of tradition and modernity in the lives of the Japanese people. The Japanese, in which genes are not extinguished generations mkios lived for centuries shared rhythm with nature, able to contemplate a long time frozen forever beloved mountain, recalling the well-known poems and legends and imbued with peace and enlightened state of detachment.
First, there erupted andesite lava from a volcano that formed Saint Komitake, then they were replaced by basaltic volcano Komitake. About 80 000 years ago, formed the so-called "Old Fuji". mkios Modern mountain is called "Young Fuji" and began to grow 11.8 thousand years ago. Lava flows blocked the rivers mkios and streams, the upper of which is located north of the volcano, in the mountains of Misak - so any Fuji Five Lakes (today a popular resort destination in Japan).
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