Thursday, May 1, 2014

When implemented in the o2 network prepaid discount Tchibo a new roaming option is verfgbar immedia

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When implemented in the o2 network prepaid discount Tchibo a new roaming option is verfgbar immediately. Customers who want to use the mobile Internet in other EU countries, the EU can now select Internet Package 50 for a price of 4.95 book. After a consumption of 50 MB or after 7 days, the internet connection is disconnected automatically. A new booking option is possible after consumption of the included volume. The booking of the option can be done via the Manager with the speed dial * 104 # or SMS with the text "EU50MB" to the number 4444. These costs are booked without roaming option on New Internet option at Tchibo also booked without foreign option can be used in holiday mobile Internet. In this case, the data usage 2.4 cents per 100 kb in Zone 1 costs This is favorable than the so-called Euro-Hchstgrenzen in tariff, which was adopted by the EU Commission. The current Hchstgrenzen apply only until the end of this month. From July 1, enter the new conditions in force. Fri mobile Internet, begur this means later this month that per consumed MB maximum 83.30 cents will be charged drfen. From July this pricing requirement begur drops to hchstens 53.55 cents per MB. The Ballad already in 1-kB increments. To einzuschrnken high shock bills among users, accesses from a height of 59,50 EUR the Cutt-off mechanism in which the Internet connection is disconnected automatically. The release must be requested from the relevant provider. Since the new Euro-tariff-approaching begur along with the holiday season, start some mobile operators with new roaming option. So a surf package 100 MB for smart mobile has, as reported today, begur 9,99 for laced a period of 30 days. The German Telekom, however, is largely only to the EU requirements as of July 1. In the Smart Traveller option, there is only small changes.
Display: Allnet Flat Flat with SMS only 19,90 / month! begur Order now! Full flexibility with the congstar 9 cents fare. The new HTC One with Allnet Flat for 36.99 per month. * Internet Flat + 200 mins + 200 SMS for 9.90
30/04/14 - Europe without roaming for Data protection flat-rate customers only from 7 May 30/04/14 - Base EU Travel begur Flat up to three months free use 04/29/14 - o2 data roaming: Twice as much volume frs same money 04/28/14 - Roaming with Deutsche Telekom: European Prize for data applies worldwide now 04/28/14 - Telekom reduced roaming costs significantly 04.27.14 - Miserly: begur German hotels rarely offer guests free Wi-Fi at 18:04 .14 - Holidays Pirate, holiday Guru & Co.: Schnppchen blogs use with caution 13:04:14 - Vodafone: No roaming charges from the end of May 11:04:14 - blue, Data protection, WhatsApp begur SIM: incoming calls abroad begur for free now 10:04:14 - Tried: DB Zugradar now available begur as an app for Android and iOS 10:04:14 - Portable Apps: The favorite program on Schlsselbund always there 09:04:14 - Telefónica enables high-speed Wi-Fi to 20 Mbit / s in the plane 09:04 .14 - Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with region-lock 09:04:14 - Base EU Travel Flat in the test: Europe-wide calls and surfing the domestic tariff 08:04:14 - WhatsApp begur Messenger SIM free use in the unboxing 08:04:14 - New o2 tariffs now available: LTE and data roaming included 05:04:14 begur - Truphone: The SIM card with multiple international numbers in the test 03:04:14 - EU Parliament beschliet abolition of roaming room charges 03:04:14 - blue A new direction: begur Prepaid Internet Starter and Europe without roaming 02:04:14 - New EU roaming prices at base Prepaid: begur Inbound Telephony free 02:04:14 - Launch: New E-book reader Tolino vision from Saturday erh ltlich begur 02:04:14 - Holidays 2.0: Where are we and where the wave us back appt 02:04

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