Sunday, February 1, 2015

2015 (247) January (247) 2014 (2027) December (184) November (198) October (180) Sept

Aspartame - the poison of their daily intake Much of what we eat on a daily basis, top chemical laboratories. Producers hotel bali are profitable, that no one is not interested in the product mix, but we but care about your health. Be careful and pay attention to the composition of the product! This time, as one of its most harmful food additives have been created in the laboratory - aspartame. What is aspartame? Aspartame or E951 is an artificial sweetener that is added to the products to which puts the words "Without sugar." It has been used since 1974. Aspartame is much sweeter and cheaper than sugar producer hotel bali in the eyes makes it an ideal substance hotel bali to add to their products. Why aspartame is poison? Aspartame contains aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (methyl alcohol). Noxious to those of the third - methanol. Once in the liver, it turns into poison. Toxic substances are released at higher temperatures (above 30 degrees hotel bali Celsius) and long-term food storage. Although aspartame in Europe is officially recognized as a safe food additive, studies suggest otherwise - it causes the body to a series of adverse bakusefektus. Since artificially synthesized substance causes nerve cell damage that contributes to such diseases and side effects: cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, memory hotel bali and hearing loss, aggression, depression, insomnia, prolonged headaches, thyroid disease, and a variety of other attacks. Aspartame biggest paradox paradox associated with aspartame use, people purchase products "sugar-free" with the idea - to take care of their own health and to retain a slim line, but that's what get in return - poisoned food. It turns out that instead of aspartame helps lose weight, but encourages the appetite and creates a feeling of hunger, which in turn causes us to eat more. As great paradox is due to the chewing gum. Although they are still without aspartame contains other harmful substances, manufacturers advertise it as a product, which express concern about their health hotel bali - gleaming white and healthy teeth, fresh breath, confident personality, etc. Products containing aspartame Carefully read the labels, because aspartame contains a large proportion of "sugar-free" products. Dietary cola diet sodas and other drinks. Some pharmacies pills available on the market. Almost all of chewing gum such as "Orbit", "Dirol" and others. Sugar substitutes, such as "Canderel" as well as coffee hotel bali shops on the table in stockyards sugar sachets. Ketchup and various sauces. Energy drinks such as "Red Bull". Slimming agents. Some yogurts and cereals. After use, the habit, the more dangerous is chewing gum. hotel bali ...
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