Saturday, October 19, 2013

Aux. Bukoba Catholic Diocese

Believers and lovers of Bukoba and Kagera have been very pleased to find Bishop nusa dua Desiderius Rwoma as bishop of the Diocese of Bukoba succeed Bishop Nestor Timanywa who has retired in accordance with the laws of the church.
Having served as provincial Bukoba gambera (Head of school) Rubya the seminary for many years. During his school several times Rubya was the first national examination and almost always was always among the top 10 school taifani. Bukoba many young priests in the province went through his hands so he knew well and loved.
Prior to his appointment nusa dua as bishop of Singida was vice-bishop of Bukoba and so to know the state of Bukoba and its leadership. He did this job very well and it was appointed bishop of Singida.
As bishop of Singida (1999 - 2013) has demonstrated his gifts of leadership. Ameweza bringing pastoral and human development in the state. Ameonnyesha his understanding to invite a lot of religious organizations which every one hath his own gift development, pastors, schools, health centers, development of women and youth, etc..
Aux. Bukoba Catholic Diocese
Sharo millionaire ft Dully Sykes - Hate Free Sharo millionaire with Elder Regret
Prosper Mallya - Phone_0756669331

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